History of the Pledge

Out of frustration over the influence of fossil fuel money in politics, Oil Change International and Climate Hawks Vote launched the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge for the first time in 2017. We printed the pledge on a big foam-core board and marched it around the California Democratic Party convention daring candidates to sign – or explain themselves to 300 activists gathered. To our surprise, candidates happily signed to immediate applause. Activists took photos and shared them on social media. The Pledge was born.


Jody Bernstein signs the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge in 2024 with local supporters when running for Congress in California’s 16th district.


Kansas City City Councilman Jonathan Duncan of Missouri signs the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge with Sunrise activists in 2023.


Daniel Blackman signs the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge in 2019 at the NetrootsNation conference while running for the Georgia Public Service Commission.

In the lead up to the 2018 midterm election, activists and organizers with the Sunrise Movement and 350 Action along with other state and local organizations helped get 2,000 candidates from all levels of government rejecting fossil fuel money.

In the 2020 election cycle, the Democratic presidential primary catapulted the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge onto the national stage. Early in the primary, only a few presidential candidates signed. One broke the pledge, and later re-signed, but only after repeated pressure at town hall meetings. Our coalition grew, the climate crisis became a top election issue and the media began using the Pledge as a key measure of a candidate's commitment to tackling climate change. Before the primary season was over every signal candidate had pledged to reject money from the oil, gas, and coal industry.


John Yi, candidate for California State Assembly, signs the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge in 2023.


Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey signs the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge in 2019 while running for President of the United States.


Vermont State Senator Anne Watson signs the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge in 2022.

Entering the 2024 cycle, we now have over 4,000 current signers, and our momentum continues to grow. With an updated website, new action tool, and a larger coalition of supporting organizations than ever, this year is set to be the biggest year yet in taking down fossil fuel money in politics. Our climate, our communities, and our future cannot wait.

Take action to tell the candidates running to represent you to reject money from destructive fossil fuels – then don’t forget to share this tool with others!

Together we can learn, act, and vote for a more representative government, free from the influence of destructive fossil fuels, and full of leaders who will take action on climate and care for our health and our future.

The following
organizations have
endorsed the pledge: