Who’s broken the pledge?

The overwhelming majority of the 4,500+ signers of the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge stay true to their commitment in rejecting dirty money.
However, this special set of politicians initially pledged to reject oil, gas, and coal money — then broke their promises, resumed taking fossil fuel money, and had to be removed from the list of pledge signers. Constituting less than 0.5% of our signers, the Wall of Shame is truly a group of politicians deserving of scorn for placing the interests of big polluters over their constituents.
Hala Ayala
Susan Hippen
Michele Joyce
Clinton Jenkins
Esmeralda Soria
Kevin Sabellico
Kelda Roys
Beto O’Rourke
Tim Ryan
Joe Morrissey
Debra Lekanoff
Rusty Hicks
Bob Hertzberg
Troy Carter
Natalie Blais
Jake Auchincloss
Amanda Chase
Annie Cho